Chapter 7. The MyBlog Gadget Revisited
"Always design a thing by considering it in its next larger context—a chair in a room, a room in a house, a house in an environment, an environment in a city plan."
—Eliel Saarinen, Architect
- Recapping the MyBlog Gadget
- Taking the MyBlog Gadget to the Next Level
- Docked, Undocked, and Mini Me Version
Recapping the MyBlog Gadget
The MyBlog Gadget gets you started with what can be done with the gadget platform. Most of the information gadgets use an online feed in the form of Atom or RSS syndication. This feed is downloaded using Ajax technology and extracted using JavaScript code. The information is stored in the memory and is displayed on the flyout window.
The MyBlog Gadget in Chapter ...
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