Accidents, 137

Addictions, 135-137, 143

Aesthetics, 136

Ahrons, Constance, 149

Allen, David, 116

Altidor, Ella, 148

Altidor, Wendy, 16

In America (Sheridan), 50

Arafat, Yasser, 4

Arrogance, 147

Artists, 27-28

Aspirations, 44-46, 51, 53, 72

Audience, 131, 136-137, 143

Augmented reality (AR), 126

Auster, Paul, 113-114 Authority, 76

Aviator (Scorsese), 127

Awareness, 150


Balance, 154

Beauty, 3-4, 110-112, 120, 138

Berlin Wall, 22-23

Between the World and Me (Coates), 50

Bieber, Justin, 164

Bottom line, 109-110, 121

Branding, 162

Bruckheimer, Jerry, xvi

Bullying, 63-64

Business models, 136, 141

Buzan, Tony, 116


Canada, 6, 50

Canadian Broadcast Company (CBC), 41

Caring first stage

added support for, 46-48

checklist, 56

in creative courage, xix, 33, 34, 38-56, 171

disengagement issues, 38

exercises, 53-55

practices for developing, 51-52

respect in, 39-41

revisiting as organization grows, 85

taking others seriously, 48

teams, 43–46

Carroll, Michael, 123

Challenges and Wonders games, 121

Chaplin, Charlie, 7

Childhood dreams

to be like Michael Jackson, 19-20

fitting in, 14-15

“Masters of Illusion”, 20-21

paradox of birth, 14

personal war on imagination and, 15-17

scary stories from parents' homeland and, 18-19

Church, 17-18

Cirque du Soleil

approach to limitations, 120

Boris Verkhovsky, 88, 90, 92

breakthrough innovation, 125-126

C-Lab, 99

collaboration and, 75, 77

cultural diplomat for, 3-6

early dreaming of, 108-109, 110

factors in success, 97-99

foam pit jumping, 58-59

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