activities. See also experiments.

amethyst cluster, 92

birthstone chart, 106

constellations and cosmic textures, 74

decorating pressed botanicals, 126

healing crystals, 100

lightning storm, 61

message hidden in the clouds, 64

natural emerald, 96

ocean sunrise, 57

open skies, 52

outer-space collage, 82

phases of the moon, 70

pressing flowers and leaves, 124

Seed of Life, 116

suns and planets, 80

templates, 132

ultimate mixed-media mandala masterpiece, 128


birthstone chart, 106, 137

cluster activity, 92, 135

templates, 135, 137

aquamarine, 107, 137

Aquarius, 75, 134

Aries, 75, 134


billowing clouds, 54

birthstone chart

project, 106

template, 137

black India ink, 24

bleach over watercolor, 36

blue topaz, 107, 137

brushes, 25

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