ability 107

absence xxii, 5624, 58999, 6892; determinate xix; ills 644, 660, 696; ontology of 674

absolute idealism 316, 627

absolute spirit 600

absolutism 236

abstract 12233, 323, 633

abstract individualism 735

abstraction 12043, 166, 1709; generative mechanisms 279; illicit 635; power 349; rational 910; social science 293; society 324

accidents 58, 96

Achilles’ Heel critique 614

action: agency 305, 370; bases of 41316; emancipation 700; emancipatory 422; explanation 286; involuntary 552; nonreductive materialism 346; social activity 303; social forms 206; structures of 288; threshold 106

activity-dependence xvii, 202, 229, 361, 363, 365

actualism 5, 134; fallacy of xii; Marxism 274, 275; normative 423; weak 621

actualities ...

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