Adding Styles to Web Pages

Once you've created styles, applying them is easy. In fact, if you created HTML tag styles, then you don't need to do anything to apply them because their selectors automatically dictate which tags they affect. When you put your styles in an external style sheet, Dreamweaver automatically links it to the current document. To use its styles in a different Web page, you must attach it to the page, as described next.

Linking to an External Style Sheet

When you add a new Web page to your site, usually you want to use the same CSS styles as you did in existing pages, for a consistent look. But you need to tell Dreamweaver which style sheet you're using by attaching it to the page. To do so, open the Web page to which you wish to add the style sheet. Then click the Attach Style Sheet button (see Figure B-1) on the CSS Styles panel. (If the CSS Styles panel isn't open, choose Window → CSS Styles or press Shift-F11.)


You can also use Dreamweaver's Property inspector (at the bottom of the window) to attach a style sheet. Just choose Attach Style Sheet from the Style menu.

When the Attach External Style Sheet window appears (Figure B-4), click Browse. In the Select Style Sheet File dialog box that appears, navigate to and double-click the CSS (.css) file you wish to attach to the document. If Dreamweaver offers to copy the style sheet file into your site's root folder, then click Yes.

Figure B-4. Most of the options in the Media menu aren't very useful, since ...

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