Accommodation of other
cultural norms, 139
Acculturation, 24
Adaptability, cultural, 55, 56
Adaptive behavior, 107, 139, 140
Adaptive skills, 96
Affective autonomy, 32
African culture, as example of cultural context, 25
Allocation decisions, 67–69
Amae in Japanese relationships, 104
American culture. See also United States
intrusion of, 27
vs. Mexican culture, 29–30, 36–38
Americans. See also United States
cross-cultural interactions involving, 76–77
intrusion of, 27
nonverbal behavior of, 89–90
overoptimism of, 66
stereotypic behavior of, 47
workplace scripts of, 41–42
Anglo-Saxon peoples, 47
Arab countries, leadership in, 103
Asian countries
implicit communication in, 84
Assimilation ...
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