

ACSI. See American Customer Satisfaction Index

Adhocratic culture, 69

American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI), 50

American express ranks, 91–92

American Marketing Association, 20

An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations, 3

A-type firms, 100–101

Austria’s Most Customer-Oriented Service Providers, 39–41


Barriers, of market orientation, 78

B-type firms, 100–101

Business, definition, 58


Centralized headquarters, 97

Centralized marketing staffs, 98

Cisco Customer Focus, 115–116

Competitive myopia, 35

Consolidated field sales offices, 97–98

Consumer loyalty, 24

Corporate culture, 72

Cultural dynamics model, 71

Culturally based behavioral perspective, 29–31

Customer define quality, 56–57

Customer expectations, ...

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