4 An Introduction to Cybercrime and Cybersecurity
The Whys and Whos of Cybersecurity
Riddhita Parikh
- Introduction
- Literature Review
- The Origin
- Cyberspace and Netizen
- Cyberspace and the 21st Century
- Cybercrime
- Classification of Cybercrime
- Forgery and Counterfeiting
- Software Piracy and Crime Related to IPRs
- Cyber Terrorism
- Phishing
- Cyber Vandalism
- Computer Hacking
- Spamming
- Cross Site Scripting
- Online Auction Fraud
- Logic Bombs
- Internet Time Thefts
- Denial of Service Attack
- Salami Attack
- Data Diddling
- Email Spoofing
- Cyber Stalking
- Child Pornography
- Adult Pornography
- Harassment Through E-Mails
- Defamation
- Morphing
- Trolling
- Cybersecurity and ...
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