Models for Database Applications
The model contains the state information that drives the UI display. It is therefore the starting point for understanding how to build a Swing application. The banking application needs to provide a model that organizes the banking business objects for the appropriate UI component models. Before we dive into the complexities of three-tier UI component modeling, however, I want to step back and look at a simpler two-tier example. This two-tier example presents the basic concepts we will see later in a more flexible three-tier model without the need to worry about distributed computing issues.
A Two-Tier Model
simplest example of a two-tier
database application is one that queries a database and stores the
results in a table. In Swing, the
UI delegate and
model represent the table component. The
table model captures a database result set and tells the table view
what the column and value names are for each row. The table view then
provides a nice tabular display of the data.
Swing makes it possible for you to ignore all of the display issues.
Your concern is handling events and providing accurate state
information in the model. It is surprising just how easy it is to
construct such a model for database access. You need only to
extend the
class provided in the Swing API and
delegate to the RowSet
class covered in Chapter 5. The result is the class in Example 10.1.
Example 10-1. A RowSet Model for Constructing ...
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