
adoption studies, 86

air leaks, 63

amplification, 33, 35

analyzing the problem, 88–89

assumptions, questioning your, 109–111

audio data problem, 83–84

audit trail, see Keep an Audit Trail

automating the process, 29–30

B-tree problem, 121

bad, starting with the, 78–79

beginning, starting at the, 29

bonding, 38–39

brass bar, grabbing the, 88–89

breakout box, 68

cable switching equipment, 73–74

calibration, 150–153

cancer, 62

Car Talk (radio show), 40

Carroll, Lewis, on forgetfulness, 105


fixing the, 129–131

focusing on the, 27

CD-ROM tray, 159

chandelier problem, 137–140

Change One Thing at a Time (rule 5), 83–95

and analyzing problem before acting, 88–89

and changing one test at a time, 89–90

and comparison to good system, 90–92

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