List of Listings
Chapter 3. Implementing your first Go bot
Listing 3.1. Using an enum to represent players
Listing 3.2. Using tuples to represent points of a Go board
Listing 3.3. Setting moves: plays, passes, or resigns
Listing 3.4. Encoding strings of stones with set
Listing 3.5. Creating a Go Board instance
Listing 3.6. Checking neighboring points for liberties
Listing 3.7. Utility methods for placing and removing stones
Listing 3.8. Continuing our definition of place_stone
Listing 3.9. Continuing our definition of place_stone
Listing 3.10. Encoding game state for a game of Go
Listing 3.11. Deciding when a game of Go is over
Listing 3.12. Continuing our definition of GameState to enforce the self-capture rule
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