List of Tables

Table 2.1 Comparison of the features of experimental methods used for the study of defect structure in nanomaterials 28
Table 2.2 The values of C¯h00image and q for edge and screw dislocations in Al, Cu, and Fe 35
Table 2.3 The notations, the Burgers vectors, and the slip planes of the 11 hexagonal slip systems [16] 40
Table 2.4 Specific electrical resistivity for vacancies, dislocations, and stacking faults in some pure fcc metals 50
Table 2.5 Positron lifetimes for defect-free lattice and different lattice defects in Al [57] 53
Table 3.1 The maximum dislocation density and the minimum crystallite size determined by X-ray line profile analysis, ...

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