
Angrycustomers. See Customers, from hell

Answers to tough customer questions, 127–160

change resistance, 129–131

database information current, keeping, 151

diplomatic answers to peevish questions, 148–155

directing customers to suitable products or services, 150–151

fears, 146–147

interpreting needs and anxieties implicit in customer dquestions, 128–147

introduction, 127–128

maintaining individuals privacy, 148–149

phrases for all occasions, three helpful, 155–156

politics and religion, steering clear of, 154–155

price sensitivity, 131, 132–134, 135–136

recap of, 158

review questions for, 159–160

sensitive business information protecting, 149–150

trust in service provider, lack of, 134, 136–143

twenty things you should never say to a customer, ...

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