How to Get the Most out of This Book
Here are some things to know so you can get the most out of this book:
First, to indicate that you need to select a command from a menu, the menu and command are separated by an arrow symbol. For example, if we tell you to select a tool from the Start menu, the instructions will say to choose Start
Parts I and II are entirely dedicated to operating system deployment and getting your Windows Vista infrastructure ready. Parts III and IV explain how to manage, administer, secure, and protect the computer systems that run Vista once the deployment is complete. For information on deployment project management, look to The Definitive Guide to Vista Migration, a free eBook written by Danielle and Nelson for which you'll find a link to on the companion CD-ROM.
This is a real-world deployment and administration book: We've worked hard to ensure that our lessons, examples, and explanations are based on professional conventions. We've also culled these practices from the myriad deployment projects we've all worked on as well as drawn administration techniques from the many support projects of which we have been a part.
The CD-ROM that accompanies this book contains many of the third-party tools discussed in each chapter as well as documentation templates that can be used in support of your own deployment project.
Icons: What Do They Mean?
Although ...
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