Chapter 13. Programming the Visual Basic Program
In this chapter:
Having designed the Visual Basic component, now is the time to start programming it. And having programmed it, you need to set up the required configuration so that it can communicate with the CICS application.
Writing the Graphical User Interface
In Designing the Graphical User Interface in Chapter 12, we described the functions that would appear in the Log In panel, and the two main user interface screens, the Main Menu and the Account Details form. You can see the full Visual Basic application by looking at the code on the CD that accompanies this book. In this section, we look at how some of the controls on the user interface screens are coded.
Controls used on the Main Menu include:
Data entry fields for the user to enter information
List boxes to display the results of a name search, and the request type options
Push buttons to perform actions
Keyboard short cuts to enable experienced users to perform actions quicker
Tab indexes to scroll from one data entry field to another
The Main Menu also includes two other design elements: the Print control and links to help information (Figure 13-1)
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