Chapter 11. Consistency and Concurrency in Event-Driven Systems

The term consistency is quite overused in our industry, with several different meanings applied in a range of contexts. Consistency in CAP theorem differs from consistency in ACID transactions, and there is a whole spectrum of subtly different guarantees, including strong consistency and eventual consistency, among others. The lack of consistent terminology around this word may seem a little ironic, but it is really a reflection of the complexity of a subject that goes way beyond the scope of this book.1

But despite these many subtleties, most people have an intuitive notion of what consistency is, one often formed from writing single-threaded programs2 or making use of a database. This typically equates to some general notions about the transactional guarantees a database provides. When you write a record, it stays written. When you read a record, you read the most recently written value. If you perform multiple operations in a transaction, they all become visible at once, and you don’t need to be concerned with what other users may be doing at the same time. We might call this idea intuitive consistency (which is closest in technical terms to the famous ACID properties).

A common approach to building business systems is to take this intuitive notion and apply it directly. If you build traditional three-tier applications (i.e., client, server, and database), this is often what you would do. The database manages concurrent ...

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