
Adelman, I. 89, 20, 247, 32, 36, 44n, 45n, 1312, 141, 143, 203

affirmative action 109, 1556, 175

agricultural modernisation 8, 1312, 1424, 200, 203, 205

Amsden, A. 4, 18, 32, 76, 12930, 141, 187, 202

Asian Development Bank (ADB) 6, 1334, 171, 2067

Balassa, B. 3, 1921, 129

Bretton Woods 9, 17, 346, 38, 40, 423, 86, 178, 192, 1945

Bumiputeras 10912, 120, 208

bureaucracy 4, 11, 20, 245, 27, 313, 40, 79, 1337, 190

capital liberalisation 37, 79, 878, 121, 208

Chaebols 23, 812, 206

Chang, H.-J. 801, 207

comparative advantage 34, 9, 1719, 214, 28, 312, 378, 40, 78, 140, 191, 200

co-ordination (of markets, institutions and investments) 212, 267, 301, 35, 40, 78, 122, 131, 134, 173, 179, 187, 191

corporate governance ...

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