Chapter 13 Creating Feedback Loops around the Customer

Chapter 13

Creating Feedback Loops around the Customer


Bullet Creating a feedback process

Bullet Collecting and communicating feedback

Bullet Accelerating your iteration

I believe that the age of the MBA CEO is over and that engineers represent the next generation of company leadership.

These claims may seem bold, but hear me out. Every company is adopting technology to remain relevant, improve services, and compete for customer attention.

Who understands tech more than an engineer? Engineers understand the tiny details that, together, make up the larger picture. But this engineers-as-leaders future requires engineers to appreciate two aspects that they used to be able to ignore: the mission and business of the greater organization; and the importance of customer experience and feedback.

In Chapter 6, I talk about why the mission of your business is important for DevOps organizations and how inviting other areas of the business to participate in collaborative planning benefits your engineering team. In this chapter, I talk about the importance of customer experience and feedback, including how to create a customer feedback ...

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