The DHCP Console
The DHCP Console, the utility used to manage the DHCP server in Windows 2000, can be found under Start → Programs → Administrative Tools → DHCP.
If the Administrative Tools folder is not present, right-click on the Taskbar and select Properties. From the Taskbar and Start Menu Properties dialog box, select the Advanced tab. Under Start Menu Settings, select Display Administrative Tools.
If you are familiar with the DHCP Manager in Windows NT 4.0, you will notice a significant change. Like most of the management utilities found in Windows 2000, the DHCP Console is a snap-in to the Microsoft Management Console (MMC).
The Microsoft Management Console (MMC)
The MMC was first introduced with IIS4. It provides a common interface that can be customized by users, allowing them to “snap in” whichever utilities they may want to use. For example, in Windows NT 4.0, there were separate utilities to do domain administration. User Manager for Domains, Server Manager, and Event Viewer are all separate and distinct utilities, although collectively they are all essential for domain management. With the MMC, these three utilities can be snapped in to the MMC to create one single user interface.
The following steps illustrate how to add snap-ins to the MMC:
Click Start → Run. Type
and press Enter. A new MMC opens. This is a blank MMC (see Figure 5.5). There are no snap-ins present. There is one window displayed, called the Console Root. Now let’s add some snap-ins.Figure 5-5. Blank ...
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