Transformations for Color Interchange

Transformations for color interchange can be developed for any pair of systems having fully defined color encoding specifications. For system-specific interchange, various restricted interchange methods and data metrics can be used. For general color interchange, the communication of color information must be unrestricted, i.e., the interchange method itself must not impose limitations on luminance dynamic range, color gamut, or color interpretation.

In this appendix, several example transformations based on both restricted and unrestricted color interchange will be developed. Many of the examples will link Kodak PhotoYCC color interchange space to other color encoding specifications (Figure G.1). This particular interchange space was selected for inclusion here because it is representative of scene-based encoding and because its properties support both general and system-specific color interchange. Other important transformations using the color encoding specification developed for the example color-management systems described in Chapters 20 and 21 also will be described. Figure G.2 illustrates the colorimetric relationships of original scenes, the various color encoding specifications, and reproduced images. The characteristics of the individual color encoding specifications are as follows:

PhotoYCC space: Kodak PhotoYCC color interchange space was used for color encoding on the Kodak Photo CD system. A number of transforms to and from ...

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