Emailing Photos with Elements

Powerful program that it is, Elements shoulders much of the burden of emailing photo files. You just click a few buttons, and Elements preps your photos, fires up your email program, and attaches the files to an outgoing message.

You get an almost bewildering array of formatting choices for emailing your photos: You can send pre-arranged groups of photos, frame your photos, change the background color (of the email), and so on. Furthermore, Elements gives you a wide range of templates to help you create beautiful and unique custom designs for the body of your email.

Although Elements is bursting with formatting options, don’t feel pressured to use them. Sending email with Elements follows the same basic procedure as any barebones program. Select photos, type a message, enter an email address, and send. But the fancy options are there when you need them, and this section points them out along the way.

Selecting Photos and Recipients

First you need to pick the photos you want to send. To get started, just follow these steps:

  1. In the Organizer, select the photos and then choose File→E-Mail or simply press Ctrl+Shift+E.

    The Attach Selected Items to E-Mail window appears (Figure 15-5).

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