

Absorption bands, 270
Advanced Video Coding. See H.264/AVC
Arithmetic codes, 36, 227
overlapped and punctured, 151–152
quasi-, 151–152
Availability, 295


Bayesian decision theory, 68
Bennett assumptions, 73, 75
Berkeley WZ video codecs
comparison of early, 200–201
at decoder
DCT and, 200
hash checking of, 199
motion search and, 199
reconstruction and, 200
syndrome, 199
at encoder
block classification of, 198–199, 198f
hash generation of, 199
quantization of, 198–199, 198f
syndrome coding of, 199
transform of, 198, 198f
Bessel function, 164
Binary symmetric channel (BSC), 133–134
codes, 315
combinations, 139, 139f, 140
Binaural hearing aid configuration
coding strategies of, 179–180, 180f
rate-distortion ...

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