- Abbott, Nate, 25–27, 307, 316, 317, 350
- Accelerators. See Techstars accelerators
- Accenture, 261
- Achin, Jeremy, 191
- Action, bias toward, 187–189
- Adobe, 79, 353
- Advice
- Aggarwal, Raj, 197–199, 351
- Agile software development methodology, 195
- Aigboboh, Joe, 10, 234–237, 351
- AIS, 52
- Alibaba Group, 213
- Allen, David, 161
- Allen, Paul, 135, 340
- Allis, Ryan, 33n
- Alsop-Louie Partners, 59, 107, 243
- Amazon, 68, 69, 111, 124, 235, 351
- Anchor Point Foundation, 323
- Anecdotes versus data, 157–159
- Angel investors, 227–230
- Angle, Colin, 55–58
- AOL, 25, 199, 291, 293, 333, 350, 352
- Apple, 29–31, 81, 197
- Atlassian, 195
- Audrey Capital, 29
- Automattic, 29, 32, 38, 283, 351
- Autonomous Technology Accelerator, 133
- Avid Technology, 145
- Baker Hughes, 56
- Balanced teams, 107–109
- Balance in work and life. See Work-life harmony
- Baldwin, Micah, 17, 18, 111–113, 350
- Batchelor, Amy, 135, 298, 299, 308, 323–326
- Bauman, Nik, 115, 350
- Behavior, deceitful or immoral, 129–131
- Berberian, Paul, 63–65, 328
- Bernthal, Brad, 273–275
- Bike rides
- meetings during, 315–316
- recharging using, ...
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