Appendix A. Installation
Installing DocBook
If you use editing software that already supports DocBook, then DocBook should be installed with that software. Although at this writing, DocBook V5.0 is new, many tools already support V5.0. The DocBook Wiki has a list of editing and other tools that support DocBook, along with other relevant information and links to further information.
If you are not using a tool that directly supports DocBook, then you will need to install one or more of the DocBook schemas directly. This appendix describes how to do that.
The most recent version of the DocBook V5.x schemas can be found at At the time this was written the most recent version was V5.0. The directory for V5.0 ( contains the RELAX NG schema, DTD, W3C XML schema, Schematron rules, tools to convert DocBook V4.x to V5.0, and a sample catalog file.
Installing the DocBook Schemas
The schemas may be installed in any convenient directory. If you
download the file
and unpack it, it
will create a directory structure that puts each schema in its own
directory. This directory structure matches the structure in the sample
file, so you
should be able to set up the catalog file (described in XML Catalogs and DocBook) with minimal effort.
Once you have unpacked the schemas, you will need to set them up so that your tools can use them. While each tool has its own procedure for accessing schemas, many use XML Catalogs: ...
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