


description of, 6566

three-act structure, 6972

Active goals, 2425

Active story, 4446

Active voice, 231


description of, 117

meeting with, 118

role of, 117118

Affordability, of story, 39

Aiding and Abetting, 350, 353, 356

Ain’t Gonna Shuffle No More, from Eyes on the Prize, 166

Ambrosino, Michael, 59

American Experience, 162

America’s Last Red Wolves, 184

Anachronisms, 225226

Ancillary projects, 144

Antagonist, 25


in archival filmmaking, 5457

combining of, 51

definition of, 47, 157

development of, 4748, 164

examples of, 4849

in historical films, 5657

recreations, 5759

in treatment, 157158

Apted, Michael, 82

Arc, 2021, 317

Archival filmmaking, 5457, 330331

Archival material, 271272, 325329

Archival ...

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