Chapter 6. Creating a League Website
Small organizations and groups increasingly are finding a home on the Web. For some organizations, the Web may be their only home. For local organizations such as theater groups or recreational sports leagues, a website can easily replace phone trees and bulky information packets as a way to distribute information to members. For organizations fitting a niche, a website is an easy way to pull together people with like interests from across the map. In all cases, the organization's website serves as a meeting ground for members to share ideas, information, and resources.
This chapter will review a typical use case for a content management system like DotNetNuke (DNN) by creating a website for a sports league. There are a number of tools built into DNN that suit the needs of a small organization well. The membership tools allow a DNN website to collect information from its users. Additionally, the permissions-based content can allow information to be tailored directly to the interests of the site's members. Through the use of page and module permissions, this chapter's website will provide content specifically to targeted members and restrict content from access by unintended visitors.
Chapter 5 built a personal site page by page; because a personal site has limited scope in terms of functionality requirements, content administration, and site membership, reviewing each page individually was possible to fully explain the site. This chapter will again ...
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