Adobe Photoshop, see Photoshop
Arm, standards in body proportion, 43–44
Base coat, watercolors, 143
Base value, three-dimensional modeling, 20
Benchmark drawing
advanced student analysis
features of drawings, 10–11
student characteristics and behavior, 9–10
beginning student analysis
composition, 5–6
drawing what is seen, 5
improvement areas, 6–7
perspective, 5
student characteristics and behavior, 4–5
three-dimensional modeling, 5
drawing instructions, 4
intermediate student analysis
improvement areas, 8
student characteristics and behavior, 7–8
still life set-up, 3
Black paper, pastel exercise, 133
Branson, J, 192
Brockman, Bruce, 17, 180, 186–187
Cartoon, three-dimensional modeling, 28
Cast shadows ...
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