
Note: Page numbers followed by “f” indicate figures and “t” indicate tables.’
American Petroleum Institute (API) 581 method, 69
Ammonium nitrate explosions, Toulouse accident, 28
Annuity (discount) factor, 199
ANSYS Fluent software, 108
A technique for human event analysis (ATHEANA), 175–176
Atypical accident scenarios, 15t
awareness and availability, 13–14, 14f
hazard identification, 13
known/unknown events, 13–14, 14t
Bayesian inference
Bayes’ theorem, 52–53
hierarchical Bayesian analysis (HBA), 53–54
Bayesian inference-based dynamic risk assessment (BIDRA) technique, 84–87
benefits and limitations, 94–96, 97f
flowchart, 75, 76f
frequency updating, 77
likelihood function formation, 77
posterior function calculation, 77
prior function calculation, 76–77 ...

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