

AbsoluteTime expiration policies, 194

Abstraction, in custom business entities, 156

Access control list (ACL)-based authorization, 420, 495–496

ActiveDirectoryRolesProvider, 478–479


adding tracing with, 370–375, 393–394

Categories and, 375

tracing and logging with, 375–376

ADCustomAuthenticationProvider-Data, 409–412

Add method

adding items to cache, 229–230

adding items to cache with RefreshAction, 231

IContainer interface, 89

AddActivityIdToLogEntry method, 347–348

AdditionalInfo property, ExceptionFormatter, 262

ADO.NET, 657

AdRolesProvider, 445

Advanced customized exception handling, 300–301

Advanced Encryption Standard, 511

AppConfigFileStorageProvider, 15–16, 68–70

Application blocks, building, 525–577

adding ConfigurationDesignManager ...

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