Chapter 1. Combining Commands

When you work in Windows, macOS, and most other operating systems, you probably spend your time running applications like web browsers, word processors, spreadsheets, and games. A typical application is packed with features: everything that the designers thought their users would need. So, most applications are self-sufficient. They don’t rely on other apps. You might copy and paste between applications from time to time, but for the most part, they’re separate.

The Linux command line is different. Instead of big applications with tons of features, Linux supplies thousands of small commands with very few features. The command cat, for example, prints files on the screen and that’s about it. ls lists the files in a directory, mv renames files, and so on. Each command has a simple, fairly well-defined purpose.

What if you need to do something more complicated? Don’t worry. Linux makes it easy to combine commands so their individual features work together to accomplish your goal. This way of working yields a very different mindset about computing. Instead of asking “Which app should I launch?” to achieve some result, the question becomes “Which commands should I combine?”

In this chapter, you’ll learn how to arrange and run commands in different combinations to do what you need. To keep things simple, I’ll introduce just six Linux commands and their most basic uses so you can focus on the more complex and interesting part—combining them—without a huge learning curve. It’s a bit like learning to cook with six ingredients, or learning carpentry with just a hammer and a saw. (I’ll add more commands to your Linux toolbox in Chapter 5.)

You’ll combine commands using pipes, a Linux feature that connects the output of one command to the input of another. As I introduce each command (wc, head, cut, grep, sort, and uniq), I’ll immediately demonstrate its use with pipes. Some examples will be practical for daily Linux use, while others are just toy examples to demonstrate an important feature.

Input, Output, and Pipes

Most Linux commands read input from the keyboard, write output to the screen, or both. Linux has fancy names for this reading and writing:

stdin (pronounced “standard input” or “standard in”)

The stream of input that Linux reads from your keyboard. When you type any command at a prompt, you’re supplying data on stdin.

stdout (pronounced “standard output” or “standard out”)

The stream of output that Linux writes to your display. When you run the ls command to print filenames, the results appear on stdout.

Now comes the cool part. You can connect the stdout of one command to the stdin of another, so the first command feeds the second. Let’s begin with the familiar ls -l command to list a large directory, such as /bin, in long format:

$ ls -l /bin
total 12104
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 1113504 Jun  6  2019 bash
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root  170456 Sep 21  2019 bsd-csh
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root   34888 Jul  4  2019 bunzip2
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 2062296 Sep 18  2020 busybox
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root   34888 Jul  4  2019 bzcat
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root    5047 Apr 27  2017 znew

This directory contains far more files than your display has lines, so the output quickly scrolls off-screen. It’s a shame that ls can’t print the information one screenful at a time, pausing until you press a key to continue. But wait: another Linux command has that feature. The less command displays a file one screenful at a time:

$ less myfile                        View the file; press q to quit

You can connect these two commands because ls writes to stdout and less can read from stdin. Use a pipe to send the output of ls to the input of less:

$ ls -l /bin | less

This combined command displays the directory’s contents one screenful at a time. The vertical bar (|) between the commands is the Linux pipe symbol.1 It connects the first command’s stdout to the next command’s stdin. Any command line containing pipes is called a pipeline.

Commands generally are not aware that they’re part of a pipeline. ls believes it’s writing to the display, when in fact its output has been redirected to less. And less believes it’s reading from the keyboard when it’s actually reading the output of ls.

Six Commands to Get You Started

Pipes are an essential part of Linux expertise. Let’s dive into building your piping skills with a small set of Linux commands so no matter which ones you encounter later, you’re ready to combine them.

The six commands—wc, head, cut, grep, sort, and uniq—have numerous options and modes of operation that I’ll largely skip for now to focus on pipes. To learn more about any command, run the man command to display full documentation. For example:

$ man wc

To demonstrate our six commands in action, I’ll use a file named animals.txt that lists some O’Reilly book information, shown in Example 1-1.

Example 1-1. Inside the file animals.txt
python	Programming Python	2010	Lutz, Mark
snail	SSH, The Secure Shell	2005	Barrett, Daniel
alpaca	Intermediate Perl	2012	Schwartz, Randal
robin	MySQL High Availability	2014	Bell, Charles
horse	Linux in a Nutshell	2009	Siever, Ellen
donkey	Cisco IOS in a Nutshell	2005	Boney, James
oryx	Writing Word Macros	1999	Roman, Steven

Each line contains four facts about an O’Reilly book, separated by a single tab character: the animal on the front cover, the book title, the year of publication, and the name of the first author.

Command #1: wc

The wc command prints the number of lines, words, and characters in a file:

$ wc animals.txt
  7  51 325 animals.txt

wc reports that the file animals.txt has 7 lines, 51 words, and 325 characters. If you count the characters by eye, including spaces and tabs, you’ll find only 318 characters, but wc also includes the invisible newline character that ends each line.

The options -l, -w, and -c instruct wc to print only the number of lines, words, and characters, respectively:

$ wc -l animals.txt
7 animals.txt
$ wc -w animals.txt
51 animals.txt
$ wc -c animals.txt
325 animals.txt

Counting is such a useful, general-purpose task that the authors of wc designed the command to work with pipes. It reads from stdin if you omit the filename, and it writes to stdout. Let’s use ls to list the contents of the current directory and pipe them to wc to count lines. This pipeline answers the question, “How many files are visible in my current directory?”

$ ls -1
$ ls -1 | wc -l

The option -1, which tells ls to print its results in a single column, is not strictly necessary here. To learn why I used it, see the sidebar “ls Changes Its Behavior When Redirected”.

wc is the first command you’ve seen in this chapter, so you’re a bit limited in what you can do with pipes. Just for fun, pipe the output of wc to itself, demonstrating that the same command can appear more than once in a pipeline. This combined command reports that the number of words in the output of wc is four: three integers and a filename:

$ wc animals.txt
  7  51 325 animals.txt
$ wc animals.txt | wc -w

Why stop there? Add a third wc to the pipeline and count lines, words, and characters in the output “4”:

$ wc animals.txt | wc -w | wc
      1       1       2

The output indicates one line (containing the number 4), one word (the number 4 itself), and two characters. Why two? Because the line “4” ends with an invisible newline character.

That’s enough silly pipelines with wc. As you gain more commands, the pipelines will become more practical.

Command #2: head

The head command prints the first lines of a file. Print the first three lines of animals.txt with head using the option -n:

$ head -n3 animals.txt
python	Programming Python	2010	Lutz, Mark
snail	SSH, The Secure Shell	2005	Barrett, Daniel
alpaca	Intermediate Perl	2012	Schwartz, Randal

If you request more lines than the file contains, head prints the whole file (like cat does). If you omit the -n option, head defaults to 10 lines (-n10).

By itself, head is handy for peeking at the top of a file when you don’t care about the rest of the contents. It’s a speedy and efficient command, even for very large files, because it needn’t read the whole file. In addition, head writes to stdout, making it useful in pipelines. Count the number of words in the first three lines of animals.txt:

$ head -n3 animals.txt | wc -w

head can also read from stdin for more pipeline fun. A common use is to reduce the output from another command when you don’t care to see all of it, like a long directory listing. For example, list the first five filenames in the /bin directory:

$ ls /bin | head -n5

Command #3: cut

The cut command prints one or more columns from a file. For example, print all book titles from animals.txt, which appear in the second column:

$ cut -f2 animals.txt
Programming Python
SSH, The Secure Shell
Intermediate Perl
MySQL High Availability
Linux in a Nutshell
Cisco IOS in a Nutshell
Writing Word Macros

cut provides two ways to define what a “column” is. The first is to cut by field (-f), when the input consists of strings (fields) each separated by a single tab character. Conveniently, that is exactly the format of the file animals.txt. The preceding cut command prints the second field of each line, thanks to the option -f2.

To shorten the output, pipe it to head to print only the first three lines:

$ cut -f2 animals.txt | head -n3
Programming Python
SSH, The Secure Shell
Intermediate Perl

You can also cut multiple fields, either by separating their field numbers with commas:

$ cut -f1,3 animals.txt | head -n3
python	2010
snail	2005
alpaca	2012

or by numeric range:

$ cut -f2-4 animals.txt | head -n3
Programming Python	2010	Lutz, Mark
SSH, The Secure Shell	2005	Barrett, Daniel
Intermediate Perl	2012	Schwartz, Randal

The second way to define a “column” for cut is by character position, using the -c option. Print the first three characters from each line of the file, which you can specify either with commas (1,2,3) or as a range (1-3):

$ cut -c1-3 animals.txt

Now that you’ve seen the basic functionality, try something more practical with cut and pipes. Imagine that the animals.txt file is thousands of lines long, and you need to extract just the authors’ last names. First, isolate the fourth field, author name:

$ cut -f4 animals.txt
Lutz, Mark
Barrett, Daniel
Schwartz, Randal

Then pipe the results to cut again, using the option -d (meaning “delimiter”) to change the separator character to a comma instead of a tab, to isolate the authors’ last names:

$ cut -f4 animals.txt | cut -d, -f1

Save Time with Command History and Editing

Are you retyping a lot of commands? Press the up arrow key instead, repeatedly, to scroll through commands you’ve run before. (This shell feature is called command history.) When you reach the desired command, press Enter to run it immediately, or edit it first using the left and right arrow keys to position the cursor and the Backspace key to delete. (This feature is command-line editing.)

I’ll discuss much more powerful features for command history and editing in Chapter 3.

Command #4: grep

grep is an extremely powerful command, but for now I’ll hide most of its capabilities and say it prints lines that match a given string. (More detail will come in Chapter 5.) For example, the following command displays lines from animals.txt that contain the string Nutshell:

$ grep Nutshell animals.txt
horse	Linux in a Nutshell	2009	Siever, Ellen
donkey	Cisco IOS in a Nutshell	2005	Boney, James

You can also print lines that don’t match a given string, with the -v option. Notice the lines containing “Nutshell” are absent:

$ grep -v Nutshell animals.txt
python	Programming Python	2010	Lutz, Mark
snail	SSH, The Secure Shell	2005	Barrett, Daniel
alpaca	Intermediate Perl	2012	Schwartz, Randal
robin	MySQL High Availability	2014	Bell, Charles
oryx	Writing Word Macros	1999	Roman, Steven

In general, grep is useful for finding text in a collection of files. The following command prints lines that contain the string Perl in files with names ending in .txt:

$ grep Perl *.txt
animals.txt:alpaca      Intermediate Perl       2012    Schwartz, Randal
essay.txt:really love the Perl programming language, which is
essay.txt:languages such as Perl, Python, PHP, and Ruby

In this case, grep found three matching lines, one in animals.txt and two in essay.txt.

grep reads stdin and writes stdout, making it great for pipelines. Suppose you want to know how many subdirectories are in the large directory /usr/lib. There is no single Linux command to provide that answer, so construct a pipeline. Begin with the ls -l command:

$ ls -l /usr/lib
drwxrwxr-x  12 root root    4096 Mar  1  2020 4kstogram
drwxr-xr-x   3 root root    4096 Nov 30  2020 GraphicsMagick-1.4
drwxr-xr-x   4 root root    4096 Mar 19  2020 NetworkManager
-rw-r--r--   1 root root   35568 Dec  1  2017
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root root     684 May  5  2018 cnf-update-db

Notice that ls -l marks directories with a d at the beginning of the line. Use cut to isolate the first column, which may or may not be a d:

$ ls -l /usr/lib | cut -c1

Then use grep to keep only the lines containing d:

$ ls -l /usr/lib | cut -c1 | grep d

Finally, count lines with wc, and you have your answer, produced by a four-command pipeline—/usr/lib contains 145 subdirectories:

$ ls -l /usr/lib | cut -c1 | grep d | wc -l

Command #5: sort

The sort command reorders the lines of a file into ascending order (the default):

$ sort animals.txt
alpaca	Intermediate Perl	2012	Schwartz, Randal
donkey	Cisco IOS in a Nutshell	2005	Boney, James
horse	Linux in a Nutshell	2009	Siever, Ellen
oryx	Writing Word Macros	1999	Roman, Steven
python	Programming Python	2010	Lutz, Mark
robin	MySQL High Availability	2014	Bell, Charles
snail	SSH, The Secure Shell	2005	Barrett, Daniel

or descending order (with the -r option):

$ sort -r animals.txt
snail	SSH, The Secure Shell	2005	Barrett, Daniel
robin	MySQL High Availability	2014	Bell, Charles
python	Programming Python	2010	Lutz, Mark
oryx	Writing Word Macros	1999	Roman, Steven
horse	Linux in a Nutshell	2009	Siever, Ellen
donkey	Cisco IOS in a Nutshell	2005	Boney, James
alpaca	Intermediate Perl	2012	Schwartz, Randal

sort can order the lines alphabetically (the default) or numerically (with the -n option). I’ll demonstrate this with pipelines that cut the third field in animals.txt, the year of publication:

$ cut -f3 animals.txt                         Unsorted
$ cut -f3 animals.txt | sort -n               Ascending
$ cut -f3 animals.txt | sort -nr              Descending

To learn the year of the most recent book in animals.txt, pipe the output of sort to the input of head and print just the first line:

$ cut -f3 animals.txt | sort -nr | head -n1

Maximum and Minimum Values

sort and head are powerful partners when working with numeric data, one value per line. You can print the maximum value by piping the data to:

... | sort -nr | head -n1

and print the minimum value with:

... | sort -n | head -n1

As another example, let’s play with the file /etc/passwd, which lists the users that can run processes on the system.4 You’ll generate a list of all users in alphabetical order. Peeking at the first five lines, you see something like this:

$ head -n5 /etc/passwd
smith:x:1000:1000:Aisha Smith,,,:/home/smith:/bin/bash
jones:x:1001:1001:Bilbo Jones,,,:/home/jones:/bin/bash

Each line consists of strings separated by colons, and the first string is the username, so you can isolate the usernames with the cut command:

$ head -n5 /etc/passwd | cut -d: -f1

and sort them:

$ head -n5 /etc/passwd | cut -d: -f1 | sort

To produce the sorted list of all usernames, not just the first five, replace head with cat:

$ cat /etc/passwd | cut -d: -f1 | sort

To detect if a given user has an account on your system, match their username with grep. Empty output means no account:

$ cut -d: -f1 /etc/passwd | grep -w jones
$ cut -d: -f1 /etc/passwd | grep -w rutabaga         (produces no output)

The -w option instructs grep to match full words only, not partial words, in case your system also has a username that contains “jones”, such as sallyjones2.

Command #6: uniq

The uniq command detects repeated, adjacent lines in a file. By default, it removes the repeats. I’ll demonstrate this with a simple file containing capital letters:

$ cat letters
$ uniq letters

Notice that uniq reduced the first three A lines to a single A, but it left the last A in place because it wasn’t adjacent to the first three.

You can also count occurrences with the -c option:

$ uniq -c letters
      3 A
      2 B
      1 A
      4 C

I’ll admit, when I first encountered the uniq command, I didn’t see much use in it, but it quickly became one of my favorites. Suppose you have a tab-separated file of students’ final grades for a university course, ranging from A (best) to F (worst):

$ cat grades
C	Geraldine
B	Carmine
A	Kayla
A	Sophia
B	Haresh
C	Liam
B	Elijah
B	Emma
A	Olivia
D	Noah
F	Ava

You’d like to print the grade with the most occurrences. (If there’s a tie, print just one of the winners.) Begin by isolating the grades with cut and sorting them:

$ cut -f1 grades | sort

Next, use uniq to count adjacent lines:

$ cut -f1 grades | sort | uniq -c
      3 A
      4 B
      2 C
      1 D
      1 F

Then sort the lines in reverse order, numerically, to move the most frequently occurring grade to the top line:

$ cut -f1 grades | sort | uniq -c | sort -nr
      4 B
      3 A
      2 C
      1 F
      1 D

and keep just the first line with head:

$ cut -f1 grades | sort | uniq -c | sort -nr | head -n1
      4 B

Finally, since you want just the letter grade, not the count, isolate the grade with cut:

$ cut -f1 grades | sort | uniq -c | sort -nr | head -n1 | cut -c9

and there’s your answer, thanks to a six-command pipeline—our longest yet. This sort of step-by-step pipeline construction is not just an educational exercise. It’s how Linux experts actually work. Chapter 8 is devoted to this technique.

Detecting Duplicate Files

Let’s combine what you’ve learned with a larger example. Suppose you’re in a directory full of JPEG files and you want to know if any are duplicates:

$ ls
image001.jpg  image005.jpg  image009.jpg  image013.jpg  image017.jpg
image002.jpg  image006.jpg  image010.jpg  image014.jpg  image018.jpg

You can answer this question with a pipeline. You’ll need another command, md5sum, which examines a file’s contents and computes a 32-character string called a checksum:

$ md5sum image001.jpg
146b163929b6533f02e91bdf21cb9563  image001.jpg

A given file’s checksum, for mathematical reasons, is very, very likely to be unique. If two files have the same checksum, therefore, they are almost certainly duplicates. Here, md5sum indicates the first and third files are duplicates:

$ md5sum image001.jpg image002.jpg image003.jpg
146b163929b6533f02e91bdf21cb9563  image001.jpg
63da88b3ddde0843c94269638dfa6958  image002.jpg
146b163929b6533f02e91bdf21cb9563  image003.jpg

Duplicate checksums are easy to detect by eye when there are only three files, but what if you have three thousand? It’s pipes to the rescue. Compute all the checksums, use cut to isolate the first 32 characters of each line, and sort the lines to make any duplicates adjacent:

$ md5sum *.jpg | cut -c1-32 | sort

Now add uniq to count repeated lines:

$ md5sum *.jpg | cut -c1-32 | sort | uniq -c
      1 1258012d57050ef6005739d0e6f6a257
      2 146b163929b6533f02e91bdf21cb9563
      1 17f339ed03733f402f74cf386209aeb3

If there are no duplicates, all of the counts produced by uniq will be 1. Sort the results numerically from high to low, and any counts greater than 1 will appear at the top of the output:

$ md5sum *.jpg | cut -c1-32 | sort | uniq -c | sort -nr
      3 f6464ed766daca87ba407aede21c8fcc
      2 c7978522c58425f6af3f095ef1de1cd5
      2 146b163929b6533f02e91bdf21cb9563
      1 d8ad913044a51408ec1ed8a204ea9502

Now let’s remove the nonduplicates. Their checksums are preceded by six spaces, the number one, and a single space. We’ll use grep -v to remove these lines:5

$ md5sum *.jpg | cut -c1-32 | sort | uniq -c | sort -nr | grep -v "      1 "
      3 f6464ed766daca87ba407aede21c8fcc
      2 c7978522c58425f6af3f095ef1de1cd5
      2 146b163929b6533f02e91bdf21cb9563

Finally, you have your list of duplicate checksums, sorted by the number of occurrences, produced by a beautiful six-command pipeline. If it produces no output, there are no duplicate files.

This command would be even more useful if it displayed the filenames of the duplicates, but that operation requires features we haven’t discussed yet. (You’ll learn them in “Improving the duplicate file detector”.) For now, identify the files having a given checksum by searching with grep:

$ md5sum *.jpg | grep 146b163929b6533f02e91bdf21cb9563
146b163929b6533f02e91bdf21cb9563  image001.jpg
146b163929b6533f02e91bdf21cb9563  image003.jpg

and cleaning up the output with cut:

$ md5sum *.jpg | grep 146b163929b6533f02e91bdf21cb9563 | cut -c35-


You’ve now seen the power of stdin, stdout, and pipes. They turn a small handful of commands into a collection of composable tools, proving that the whole is greater than the sum of the parts. Any command that reads stdin or writes stdout can participate in pipelines.6 As you learn more commands, you can apply the general concepts from this chapter to forge your own powerful combinations.

1 On US keyboards, the pipe symbol is on the same key as the backslash (\), usually located between the Enter and Backspace keys or between the left Shift key and Z.

2 The POSIX standard calls this form of command a utility.

3 Depending on your setup, ls may also use other formatting features, such as color, when printing to the screen but not when redirected.

4 Some Linux systems store the user information elsewhere.

5 Technically, you don’t need the final sort -nr in this pipeline to isolate duplicates because grep removes all the nonduplicates.

6 Some commands do not use stdin/stdout and therefore cannot read from pipes or write to pipes. Examples are mv and rm. Pipelines may incorporate these commands in other ways, however; you’ll see examples in Chapter 8.

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