Acoustic noise, 4
mechanical vibration, caused by, 9, 137
Adaptive threshold design, 240–241
Additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN), 200, 201, 242
Air-gaps, 15. see also Eccentricity faults
functions of, 177
magnetic fields in, 16
magnetic flux in, 19
magnetomtoive force in, 120–121
permeanace, 68
Algebraic machine equations, 73
Aliasing, 100
Alternators, failure of, 13
Ampere’s law, 29
Amplitude modulation (AM) detectors, 11
Analogue-to-digital converters (ADC), 206
Analysis equations, 101
Angular velocity, 112
Ansoft Corporation, 39
Application environment, electric motors, 2
Artificial ...
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