555 timer, 164–166

making sound using, 167–175

setting output speed of, 166–167

using for reaction game speed, 260–261

μF (microfarad), 92

Ω (ohms), 7, 70


A (amperes), 7

AC (alternating current), 48–49

adapters, 226

alarm projects

intruder, 11–17, 108, 236–237

sunrise, 148–157

alternating current (AC), 48–49

American wire gauge (AWG), 83

amperes (A), 7

amps, 7

AND gates, 216, 217

AND operator, 215

anode, 75

ASCII code, 201–202

astable mode, 165

atoms, 6

AWG (American wire gauge), 83


barrel jack adapters, 226

base, 132

base-2 number system, 188

base-10 number system, 188


chemistry of, 56–58

food, 65

lemon, 58–66

what’s inside, 55–56

beep mode, 277

binary numbers, 188–190

converting to decimal, 190–192

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