

Acceptors, 71

ACs, see see Alternating currents (ACs)

ADC, see see Analog to-digital converter (ADC)

Agarwal method of linearization, 297, 342

AI, see see Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Air gap

cup-type rotor, 315

demagnetization action, 68

electromagnetic field power flux in, 161163

endwindings in permeable wall, 263

influence, 259261

real and ideal, 278

Alnico, 46, 48, 415

Alternating currents (ACs), 12

electromagnetic screens, 217

hysteresis loop, 44

mirror image coefficients, 248250

nonmagnetic metal mass, 404

proximity effect, 323

quasi-permeability, 64

solid steel elements, 475

Aluminum, 12, 20, 21

conductivity, 15

electromagnetic screens, 200

humid contact, 21, 22

properties, 22

recrystallization, 14

thick screens, 182

wavelength ...

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