
Book writing is a challenging expedition with demands not only on the author in terms of vision, fortitude, and persistence but also on others who support and guide the initiative. I would like to express my gratitude to the amazing people and organizations that have made this expedition a great learning and sharing experience. The credit for seeding the thought of writing a book goes to Nick Wallwork of John Wiley & Sons, who casually asked if I would consider writing a book for them, almost as if he knew I could and would. Thanks, Nick.

A very special acknowledgment goes to Srikar Gullapalli for making this book possible by being such an incredible motivator, critic, collaborator and editor all rolled into one. My gratitude to my anchor and life partner, Sh. Ramakrishna Gullapalli, for keeping me on course with his encouragement at every step. Thank you Sravani Gullapalli, for powering my effort with your infectious energy, optimism, and encouragement. Sudhir Pisipati, my confidant, and the family—thank you for creating and reinforcing the positive energy circle around me. I offer my respectful tribute to my mother, Smt. Suguna Pisipati, for supporting and celebrating all my achievements, big or small.

My appreciation and sincere thanks go to the senior practitioners, Dr. Colin Lawrence, Tsuyoshi Oyama, Dr. Ranee Jayamaha, Benjamin Frank, and Peter Hill. Each of these experts have, in their own way, added to the industry's dialogue. I am grateful for their Practitioner's ...

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