Make the Gadget
This build has several finicky steps. Look at the breadboard view (Figure 7-2) to see how it all fits together.
- Arduino
- Ethernet shield
- Breadboard
- DHT-22 sensor
- 4Char display
- 4.7K resistor
- Red and black jumper wires
Breadboard the Circuit
Step 1 Power the breadboard rails.
Step 2 Connect a red jumper wire from the 3.3v pin on the Arduino to the voltage (red) rail on the breadboard, and a black jumper from the GND pin to the ground (black) rail on the breadboard.
Step 3 Connect a short red jumper from the voltage rail to the voltage (leftmost) pin of the DHT-22 temperature and humidity sensor.
Step 4 Connect a short black jumper from the GND rail to the GND (rightmost) pin of the DHT-22.
Step 5 Connect a green jumper from the DATA (second from the left) pin on the sensor to digital pin 4 on the Arduino.
Step 6 Add a 4.7K resistor between the DATA pin of the sensor and the VOLTAGE pin.
Step 7 Connect a green jumper from Arduino pin 3 to the RX (rightmost) pin of the four-character display, and a black jumper from the GND rail to the GND (leftmost) pin of the four-character display.
Figure 7-2. The completed circuit for the temperature-humidity-dew point monitor.
Write the Code
Load the following sketch onto Arduino. You can find it at EMWA GitHub repository | chapter-7 | TempHumidDewpoint.
/* Temperature-Humidity-Dew Point Monitor This sketch gathers temperature and ...
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