
Action discretion, 134

Additionality, 92–93, 94, 95, 119

Anderson, Ray, 75

Appellation d’origine controlee (AOC), 71

Beyond Compliance, 142–143

Bubbles, 86

Business case, 3, 124, 125

Business case sustainability, 4–10

Business environments, for regulation, 138–140

Cap and trade, 82

Carbon credits, 95

Carbon tax, 53

Circuit breakers, 116–117

   deposit-refund as, 117–118

   offsetting as, 118–119

Clean Development Mechanism (CDM), 79, 91, 94–96

Clockspeed, 123

Coercive regulation, 113

Command, 34

Command and control, 23, 31–36, 50, 80, 81, 101, 106–107, 109, 113

   performance-based, 104

   with process standard, 134

   technology standard-based, 105

Consequence, 34, 36

Contemporary environmental policy, 133

Cradle-to-grave design, 72

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