The pserver Access Method

The pserver method allows users to connect to the repository with a username and password that are stored on the repository server. The main advantage of pserver is that it permits anonymous, passwordless, read-only access. The main disadvantages of pserver mode are that it uses a trivial encoding scheme for passwords and the data stream is not encrypted. pserver mode is included in CVS automatically, but it requires a password file that needs to be configured.

To use pserver, you need a username on the repository computer, to enable CVS to run programs on that computer. You may share this username (your system username) with other users and have a separate CVS username to identify you to CVS as an individual. You also need to log in before running other commands.

To support the pserver access method, CVS needs to run a server on the computer that hosts the repository. To configure the repository to run the CVS server, edit inetd.conf and add cvs pserver. See Section 8.8 of this chapter for more information on inetd configuration.

The repository path format for pserver is:


The default port for pserver is 2401. If the user is not specified, the client sends the username of the calling user on the client computer.

You need to configure the passwd file and possibly the readers and writers files before you can use pserver. These files are explained in Section 8.7.1 and Section 8.7.2 of this chapter. You also need ...

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