Setting Security (Controlling Access)
As you saw earlier in "Creating Site Collections," you can determine who has access when you create a top-level site. For subsites, I recommend inheriting permissions from the parent site and then changing them as needed. The benefit of inheriting permissions is that all the members of the parent site are automatically copied into the subsite. You can then remove members or restrict permissions in the subsite.
To change from inherited permissions to unique permissions:
Navigate to the home page and click Site Actions → Site Settings, and then click Advanced Permissions under the Users and Permissions heading. SharePoint displays the Permissions page.
On the toolbar, click Actions → Edit Permissions. SharePoint displays a warning that you are about to create unique permissions.
Click OK. SharePoint displays the permissions in Edit mode.
To add new users to the site:
On the Permissions page toolbar, click New. SharePoint displays the Add Users page (see Figure 3-12).
Type the name of the Active Directory (AD) security group or user in the Users/Groups text box, select "Give users permissions directly," select the permission, deselect "Send welcome e-mail to the new users," and click OK. SharePoint adds the security group or user.
Figure 3-12. Adding an AD security group to the Construction site
Why do I choose not to send an automatic email when adding users? ...
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