Creating Web Part Appearance
The core of the web part template code is the RenderWebPart
method. This method is called just before the control is disposed
and it determines the appearance of the part on the page.
To create this
appearance, you write HTML to the output
object. For
example, the following code displays a simple table containing information about the current
' Requires this line at class level ' Imports System.Security.Principal Protected Overrides Sub RenderWebPart _ (ByVal output As System.Web.UI.HtmlTextWriter) ' Get the User identity. Dim user As IPrincipal = Me.Context.User ' Write table to output With output .Write("<TABLE id='tblUser'>") .Write("<TR><TD>Authenticated</TD><TD>") .Write(user.Identity.IsAuthenticated()) .Write("</TD></TR><TR><TD>User name</TD><TD>") .Write(user.Identity.Name()) .Write("</TD></TR><TR><TD>Authentication type</TD><TD>") .Write(user.Identity.AuthenticationType()) .Write("</TD></TR><TR><TD>Code is impersonating</TD><TD>") .Write(WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent().Name) .Write("</TD></TR><TR><TD>Request language: </TD><TD>") .Write(context.Request.UserLanguages(0)) .Write("</TD></TR><TR><TD>Request host: </TD><TD>") .Write(context.Request.UserHostName) .Write("</TD></TR><TR><TD>Request IP: </TD><TD>") .Write(context.Request.UserHostAddress) .Write("</TD></TR></TABLE>") End With End Sub
At runtime, the preceding web part displays user information in a two-column table, as shown in Figure 9-5.
Figure 9-5. Rendering UserInfo web ...
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