Chapter 9
Closing the Estate
Getting the necessary documentation to close the estate
Taking care of the last administrative expenses
Doling out the rest of the distributions
Preparing and filing the final paperwork
Administering the estate has been a long haul, but the finish line is within easy reach now. If you’re ready to close the estate, you just need to make sure that you wrap up all loose ends. Closing the estate may seem like a lot of work, but trust us: Compared to what you’ve already accomplished, this final step is a cakewalk.
In this chapter, you reach the culmination of your hard work, dedication, and attention to myriad details on behalf of your decedent. Here’s where you find everything you need to do as executor to wind up the estate and just how to do it: getting releases of lien for real estate, paying final administration costs, making final distributions to residuary beneficiaries, preparing probate accounts and getting them approved by the court, preparing final income tax returns, obtaining tax closing letters, and filing with the probate court ...
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