


Use LEFT to return the specified number of characters from the left side of a text string. If you do not specify a value for the Num_Chars argument, the function returns the first character in the string.

To Calculate

=LEFT(Text, Num_Chars)

The Text argument is required for this function. The Num_Chars argument is optional.


Figure 18-5 illustrates how to use LEFT to get five characters from the left side of a string. MID is used to get five characters starting at position 11 in the string, and RIGHT gets five characters from the end of the string. The example also uses LEN to determine the length of the string, LOWER to convert all letters to lowercase, and PROPER to capitalize the first letter in each word.

Use LEFT, MID, and RIGHT to capture specific portions of a text string

Figure 18-5. Use LEFT, MID, and RIGHT to capture specific portions of a text string

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