Names of Photographs are shown in italics
Abe, Koya, After Supper at Emmaus, 152
Abeles, Kim and Marchionno, Ken, Based on a True Story, 211
Adams, Bill, Trompe L’Oeil, 128
Additive screen processes, 18–21
about the very early days, 18
Dufaycolor, 21
Finlay Colour processes, 21
Joly’s line-screen process patent, 18
Paget Dry Plate Company, 21
Polachrome, 21
Thames Colour Plate, 21
Additive theory, early days of color, 16
Aerial perspective, 120
Allison, David, R., New York, NY, 88
Analogue input see Color negative film; Color transparencies/slides ...
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