Media Headers


I want to display a bunch of media that all belong to a user, so I’d like some way of showing that.


Use the fb:mediaheader tag along with its children, fb:header-title and fb:owner-action:

<fb:mediaheader uid="561415460">
    <fb:header-title>Jay's Photos</fb:header-title>
    <fb:owner-action href="">Facebook</fb:owner-action>
    <fb:owner-action href="">Flickr</fb:owner-action>

which will give you Figure 6-31.

fb:mediaheader as viewed by the owner

Figure 6-31. fb:mediaheader as viewed by the owner

Note that I will see the Facebook and Flickr links in this image (because they’re owner-actions), but other people will see a standard set of links relating to me (Send a Message, Poke, etc.), depending on privacy settings.


Unlike tags such as fb:help (in fb:dashboard), the href in the fb:owner-action tag doesn’t have to be a Canvas page URL.

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