4 High-performance NumPy

This chapter covers

  • Rediscovering NumPy from a performance perspective
  • Leveraging NumPy views for computing efficiency and memory conservation
  • Introducing array programming as a paradigm
  • Configuring NumPy internals for efficiency

It is difficult to overstate the importance of NumPy for doing data analytics with Python. This book might as well be called High-Performance Python with NumPy. NumPy will be found somewhere in your stack: Do you use pandas? NumPy. Do you use scikit-learn? NumPy. Dask? NumPy. SciPy? NumPy. Matplotlib? NumPy. TensorFlow? NumPy. If you are doing data analytics in Python, almost surely your answer includes NumPy.

NumPy is a Python library that provides N-dimensional or multidimensional array ...

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