Chapter 20. Sharing Data Using FileMaker Server
Up to this point, you’ve been learning how to create a database that works for you and your users. But you haven’t learned how to let all your users connect to the file at the same time. For that, you have to share your database file. But before you dive in, you need to consider where you’re going to keep the shared file and how people connect to it. You can choose from three main types of sharing: FileMaker Network, FileMaker Server, and Internet sharing. Internet sharing comes in two versions—Custom Web Publishing and the new WebDirect, which lets users with FileMaker Go (those who have an iOS device) or a browser (everybody else) connect to your database. Chapter 21 deals with Internet and FileMaker Go sharing, but in this chapter you’ll learn about how to share your database with people who are using FileMaker Pro on your local network. You have two options:
FileMaker Network. This type of file sharing is also called peer-to-peer—you don’t use a server or any special software. You share files by using ordinary computers. Peer-to-peer sharing is limited to five users at once. Everyone using a computer to access the files will need a copy of FileMaker Pro or FileMaker Pro Advanced.
FileMaker Server. This is the preferred method for database sharing, even if you have fewer than five users. FileMaker Server offers protection for your files in case of a crash, automated backups, and tremendous speed and stability boosts over peer-to-peer ...
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