FileMaker Pro 6 for Windows and MacIntosh: Visual QuickStart Guide

Book description

If you recently upgraded to FileMaker Pro 6 to take advantage of its new digital image management features or its full XML support, you'll also want to upgrade to FileMaker Pro 6 for Windows and Macintosh: Visual QuickStart Guide. Revised to include all of the new features in FileMaker Pro 6, this update to the popular Visual QuickStart Guide is still the fastest and easiest way to learn FileMaker Pro. Loaded with screenshots and clear, concise explanations of database publishing techniques, FileMaker Pro 6 for Windows and Macintosh: Visual QuickStart Guide takes you from working with records and files to creating and designing databases, printing and networking with FileMaker, and Web publishing with FileMaker in no time. Step-by-step tasks show you how to use new digital image management features to organize and work with massive amounts of digital photos with minimal effort. You'll also learn to take advantage of FileMaker's new XML support to easily share and integrate data with other applications-even those not running FileMaker.

Table of contents

  1. Copyright
    1. Dedication
  2. Special thanks to:
  3. I. Getting Started
    1. 1. Using FileMaker Pro 6
      1. Why FileMaker?
      2. What’s New in FileMaker 6?
        1. New features and improvements
      3. Using this Book
        1. One program, one book for Windows and Macintosh
        2. Updates and feedback
    2. 2. Database Basics
      1. It slices! It dices!
      2. Content vs. Form
      3. Anatomy of a Database
        1. The field—the smallest unit
        2. The record—grouping related fields
        3. The database—a group of related records
        4. The layout—one record, many forms
    3. 3. FileMaker Basics
      1. FileMaker’s Screen and Modes
        1. The FileMaker screen
        2. Browse mode
        3. Find mode
        4. Layout mode
        5. Preview mode
      2. FileMaker’s Menus
        1. The File menu
        2. The Edit menu
        3. The View menu
        4. The Insert menu
        5. The Format menu
        6. The Records menu
        7. The Requests menu
        8. The Layouts menu
        9. The Arrange menu
        10. The Scripts menu
        11. The Window menu
        12. The Help menu
      3. FileMaker’s Toolbars
        1. To turn on/off toolbars:
        2. Rearranging the toolbars
          1. To move toolbars to the desktop:
          2. To dock toolbars in the main window:
          3. To resize freestanding toolbars:
      4. Opening, Closing, and Saving Files
        1. To open a file:
        2. To create a new file:
          1. Closing a file
          2. To close a file:
        3. Saving files
          1. To save a copy of a database file:
          2. To quit FileMaker:
  4. II. Working with Records & Files
    1. 4. Viewing Records
      1. Opening a File
        1. To open a FileMaker database file:
      2. Viewing Multiple or Single Records
        1. To view multiple records:
        2. To view a single record:
      3. Moving from Record to Record
        1. Navigating records in forms
        2. Navigating records in lists and tables
        3. Navigating directly by record number
      4. Moving within a Record
        1. To move by direct selection:
        2. To move with the Tab key:
    2. 5. Finding and Sorting Records
      1. Finding Records
      2. Doing a Single-Criteria Search
        1. To do a single-criteria search:
      3. Searching with the Symbols List
        1. To use the Symbols List in a search:
      4. Doing Multiple-Criteria Searches
        1. To narrow a search using multiple criteria:
        2. To broaden a search using multiple criteria:
      5. Modifying Find Requests
        1. To modify your previous Find request:
        2. To duplicate (and then change) a Find request:
        3. To delete a Find request:
      6. Reverting Requests
        1. To revert a request:
        2. To find all records:
      7. Omitting Records
        1. To omit one record:
        2. To omit more than one record:
        3. To bring back omitted records:
      8. Deleting Records
        1. To delete a single record:
        2. To delete a group of records:
        3. To delete all records in a database:
      9. Sorting Records
        1. To run a contextual sort:
        2. To run a single-criteria sort:
        3. Sort Records options
      10. Running Multiple-Criteria Sorts
        1. To run a multiple-criteria sort:
      11. Setting Sort Orders
        1. To set (or reset) a custom sort order:
    3. 6. Using Spell Check and Dictionaries
      1. To check spelling:
      2. To create a user dictionary:
      3. Selecting dictionaries
        1. To select or switch dictionaries:
      4. Editing user dictionaries
        1. To edit a user dictionary:
        2. To import or export a text file:
    4. 7. Converting Files
      1. To convert files from earlier FileMaker versions:
      2. Importing Data into FileMaker
        1. To import data for a new FileMaker database:
        2. To import data into an existing FileMaker database:
        3. To import records from another FileMaker 5, 5.5, or 6 database:
        4. To import a folder of files (graphics or text):
      3. Importing digital camera images (Mac OS X only)
        1. To import digital camera images (Mac OS X only):
      4. Exporting FileMaker Data
        1. To export FileMaker records:
      5. Recovering Damaged Files
        1. To recover a damaged file:
  5. III. Creating & Designing Databases
    1. 8. Planning Databases
      1. How about a SlowStart?
      2. Follow the paper
      3. You must remember this...
    2. 9. Defining Fields
      1. Choosing a Field Type
      2. Defining and Changing Fields
        1. To define a field:
        2. To delete or add a field:
        3. To change a field’s name or type:
      3. Setting Field Entry Options
        1. To set field entry options:
        2. Auto-Enter options
        3. Validation options
        4. Storage options (indexing)
          1. To set indexing:
      4. Using Value Lists
        1. To define a custom value list:
        2. To define a value list using another field:
        3. To format a value list field:
      5. Using Repeating Fields
        1. To define a repeating field:
        2. To format a repeating field:
      6. Understanding Formulas
        1. Syntax and the parts of a formula
        2. Using predefined formulas (functions)
      7. Using Calculation and Summary Fields
        1. To define a calculation field:
        2. To edit a formula:
        3. To change the display of calculation results:
        4. To repeat a calculation field:
        5. Storing calculation results
          1. To store calculation results:
          2. To define a summary field:
    3. 10. Creating Layouts
      1. Choosing a Layout Type
      2. Working with Layouts
        1. To switch to layout mode:
        2. Creating a new layout
          1. To create a new layout:
          2. To rename a layout:
          3. To delete a layout:
        3. Duplicating a layout
          1. To duplicate a layout:
          2. To choose a layout view:
          3. To reorder the layout pop-down menu:
        4. Putting layouts in the pop-down menu
          1. To exclude or include layouts in the layout pop-down menu:
        5. Changing the general layout setup
          1. To change the general layout setup:
        6. Changing the table view setup
          1. To change the table view:
      3. Using Label and Envelope Layouts
        1. To create a label layout:
        2. To create an envelope layout:
        3. To create an envelope return address:
      4. Creating Form Letter Layouts
        1. To create a form letter with merge fields:
      5. Using Variable Fields
        1. To insert a variable field:
      6. Working with Parts
        1. To add a layout part:
        2. To delete a part:
        3. To reorder parts:
        4. To resize a part:
      7. Changing a Part’s Type and Options
        1. To change a part type or break field:
        2. To paginate layout parts:
      8. Working with Fields in Layouts
        1. To add a field to a layout:
        2. To delete a field from a layout:
        3. Resizing fields
          1. To resize a field:
        4. Adding scroll bars to large text fields
          1. To add a scroll bar:
          2. To set the field tab order:
    4. 11. Working with Objects in Layouts
      1. To move an object within the same layout:
      2. To move an object to another layout:
      3. To copy an object:
      4. To delete an object:
      5. Grouping objects
        1. To group objects:
        2. To ungroup objects:
        3. To lock layout objects:
        4. To unlock layout objects:
        5. To change the stack order of objects:
      6. Rotating objects
        1. To rotate an object:
      7. Aligning objects
        1. To align objects:
      8. Using Layout Guides
        1. To use the Text Ruler:
        2. To use the Graphic Rulers:
        3. To use Ruler Lines:
        4. To use T-Squares:
        5. To use Object Grids:
        6. To use the Size Palette:
      9. Changing ruler and grid units
        1. To change ruler and grid units:
    5. 12. Formatting and Graphics in Layouts
      1. Working with Text
        1. To add text to a layout:
        2. To select text:
      2. Setting Format Defaults
        1. To set formatting defaults:
      3. Formatting Fields or Objects
        1. Using the Format Painter
          1. To use the Format Painter:
        2. Setting multiple text attributes
          1. To set several text attributes at once:
          2. To set text tabs:
          3. To choose a font:
          4. To choose a text size:
          5. To choose a text style:
          6. To align text:
          7. To choose line spacing:
          8. To choose a text color:
          9. To format a number field:
          10. To format a date field:
          11. To format a time field:
          12. To format a graphic field:
        3. Working with Graphics
          1. To select a drawing tool:
          2. To draw an object:
          3. To select and move an object:
          4. To deselect an object:
          5. To resize an object:
        4. Changing fill colors, patterns, and effects
          1. To set or change an object’s fill color, pattern, or effect:
        5. Changing lines
          1. To set or change line color, pattern, or width:
        6. Changing borders, fills, and baselines
          1. To set or change field borders, fills, and baselines:
    6. 13. Using Templates and Scripts
      1. Working with Templates
        1. To review the available templates:
        2. To create a template-based file:
      2. Working with Scripts
        1. Preparing to create a script
          1. To create a file’s pre-script settings:
          2. To define a script:
          3. To change a script:
          4. To copy a script:
        2. Importing a script
          1. To import a script:
          2. To delete a script:
        3. Reordering script shortcuts
          1. To reorder or change the script menu list:
      3. Using Buttons with Scripts
        1. To define a button:
        2. Setting a button’s appearance
          1. To set or change a button’s appearance:
        3. Copying or deleting a button
          1. To copy or delete a button:
          2. To resize or move a button:
          3. To change a button’s definition:
    7. 14. Creating Relational Databases
      1. A jargon jump-start
      2. Lookups vs. Portals
        1. To define a lookup:
        2. Creating multiple lookups
          1. To create multiple lookups from one relationship:
        3. Updating lookups
          1. To update a lookup:
          2. To define relationships:
          3. To change or edit relationships:
        4. Creating a portal for multiple fields
          1. To create a portal for multiple related fields:
  6. IV. Printing, Networking, & the Web
    1. 15. Printing
      1. To change the default printer:
      2. To show page margins:
      3. To set page margins:
      4. Removing unwanted space
        1. To remove unwanted spaces:
        2. To preview a printout:
        3. To print:
    2. 16. Networking
      1. To turn on file sharing:
      2. To turn off file sharing:
      3. To open a database as the host:
      4. To open a database as a guest:
      5. Controlling File Access
        1. To set a master password:
        2. Defining passwords
          1. To define user passwords:
          2. To create a blank password:
        3. Changing or deleting passwords
          1. To change or delete passwords:
        4. Changing your own password
          1. To change your own password:
          2. To define groups:
        5. Changing group definitions
          1. To change a group definition:
        6. Deleting group definitions
          1. To delete a group definition:
    3. 17. Exchanging Data
      1. Exchanging Data Using XML
        1. To import XML data into an existing FileMaker database:
        2. To import XML data into a new FileMaker database:
        3. To export FileMaker data as XML:
      2. Exchanging Data Using ODBC
        1. To turn on the Data Access Companions:
      3. Using FileMaker Data within an ODBC Application
        1. To use FileMaker data from an ODBC application:
      4. Importing ODBC Data into FileMaker
        1. To import ODBC data into FileMaker:
        2. To connect to and query an ODBC data source:
    4. 18. Publishing on the Web
      1. How It Works and What You’ll Need
      2. Setting Up and Configuring the Web Companion
        1. To set up the Web Companion:
        2. To configure the Web Companion:
        3. Web Companion options
      3. Sharing and Viewing Web Files
        1. To share a file over the Web:
        2. Setting up the browser views
          1. To set up the browser views:
      4. Testing your Web Database Locally
        1. To test the Web Companion on your Windows computer:
        2. To test the Web Companion on an OS X Mac:
        3. To test the Web Companion on a pre-OS X Mac:
      5. Once You Publish the Database
  7. V. Appendices
    1. A. Installing & Configuring FileMaker
      1. Installing FileMaker on Windows
        1. What you’ll need before starting:
        2. To install FileMaker on a Windows computer:
      2. Installing FileMaker on the Mac
        1. What you’ll need before starting:
        2. To install FileMaker on a Macintosh:
      3. Setting FileMaker’s Preferences
        1. Application preferences
          1. To set application preferences:
        2. Document preferences
          1. To set document preferences:
    2. B. Functions
    3. C. Script Commands
    4. D. Keyboard Shortcuts
      1. Shortcuts by Menu
      2. Shortcuts by Function

Product information

  • Title: FileMaker Pro 6 for Windows and MacIntosh: Visual QuickStart Guide
  • Author(s): Nolan Hester
  • Release date: December 2002
  • Publisher(s): Peachpit Press
  • ISBN: 9780321167828