Chapter 9. Five Key Principles Self-Diagnostic and CPM Research Resources


Accept the challenges so that you can feel the exhilaration of victory.

Five Key Principles Self-Diagnostic and CPM Research Resources

Case study companies in this book have included recipients of these awards:

  • U.S. President’s National Malcolm Baldrige Quality Award

  • Governor’s Sterling Award for Excellence (based on Baldrige Criteria)

  • Deming Quality Award

  • American Quality and Productivity Center (APQC) Best Practice Partner Award

  • Kaplan and Norton Global Balanced Scorecard Hall of Fame Award

  • Wall Street Journal Ranked “Top 20 Most Improved Company in Shareholder Value Creation”

  • Fortune “100 Best Companies to Work For”

This chapter provides you with a diagnostic tool to conduct a self-assessment and baseline where you are in your corporate performance management (CPM) best practice journey and a value-added, very selective CPM resource reference list for continuous learning.


Pleasure in the job puts perfection in the work.


CPM Diagnostic: Three Easy Steps

The three-step CPM diagnostic will enable you to conduct a self-assessment of your CPM program.

  1. Score your CPM program against best practices in this book.

  2. Create a gap analysis to identify your highest-impact improvement opportunities.

  3. Develop and deploy your action plan to close the gaps.

Step 1: Score Your CPM Program against Best Practices

Exhibit 9.1 presents the best practices for Principle 1, Establish ...

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