Chapter 15. Think Outside the Box
Flash is a powerful tool, and some of its features are often overlooked. In this final chapter, you’ll try a few projects that demonstrate some of the application’s less common uses.
Exporting to Video
In addition to web- and disc-based animations and applications, Flash can also be used as a limited video production tool. It is not useful as a video-editing program, but it can be helpful when creating video assets to use therein. Flash can export to video in two formats: pixel-based video, for use in a traditional video-editing application, and as a Flash track embedded in a QuickTime movie as part of QuickTime’s Media Layer architecture.
Pixel-Based Video
If you’re one of the many people who use their computers to create videos, and maybe even DVDs, you may want to use Flash to convert your animations into video format, or to create titles or other simple effects for your videos.
Exporting broadcast-quality video from Flash requires a little preparation. Bearing that in mind, try adapting your first animation for video export:
Open the animation_complete.fla file from the 03 folder in your working directory.
Choose File → Save As, and save the animation as animation_video.fla in the 15 folder. This will allow you to modify your document freely without overwriting the original.
Use Modify → Document to change the frame rate of your original movie to 30 frames ...
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