Chapter 8. Converting Illustrator and Photoshop Artwork into Catalyst Projects


  • Create a new project from an Illustrator file

  • Create a new project from a Photoshop file

  • Import graphics into an existing project

  • Round-trip editing with Illustrator

  • Create optimized graphics

You can easily import Adobe Illustrator designs into Flash Catalyst and convert them into applications. Once imported, you can convert Illustrator graphics into components, the building blocks of Flex applications.

Create a New Project from an Illustrator Comp

The Catalyst Start Screen, which appears when you launch the program as shown in Figure 8.1, allows you to create new Catalyst projects from design files created in Illustrator Photoshop, and from FXG files.


Although the Start Screen cannot be disabled, there may be times when you want to create a new project while you have another project open and therefore cannot see the Start Screen. In these situations, you can click File

Create a New Project from an Illustrator Comp

When you click the option to create a file from an Illustrator design file, a dialog box appears which allows you to select the AI design file. You can then select from a set of options to customize the project (see Figure 8.2).

The Catalyst Start Screen

Figure 8.1. The Catalyst Start Screen

Figure 8.2. Illustrator Import Options

You can set the art board size ...

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