Convert a Flash Animation to AIR
If you follow the steps on Creating Your First AIR Application, you can create a new AIR application from scratch. You can use all your Flash tools and skills to build a new application. On the other hand, you may have a great Flash animation that you'd like to convert to AIR. That's not hard to do. It's really just a matter of creating a new AIR document and then opening your Flash project in another tab. Then you can copy content from the Flash animation to the AIR project. To give it a try, you can use the Photo Gallery project from Chapter 7. The file in the Missing CD ( is named 21-1_Flash_Gallery.fla.
Choose File→New→Adobe AIR 2.
A new AIR document opens in Flash.
Choose Modify→Document. Then in the Document Settings, change the document width to 800 px and the height to 600 px. Set the back ground color to a light gray (#999999). Click OK.
After you change the dimensions and click OK, the stage changes to the new color and larger size.
Choose File→Save As, and save this empty document using the name AIR_Gallery.fla.
The tab for this project changes from untitled to shows its new name: AIR_Gallery.fla.
Choose File→Open and then find 21-1_Flash_Gallery.fla.
You have two documents in the Flash workspace, the AIR document and the Flash Photo Gallery animation. As shown in Figure 21-7, the workspace holds two projects.
The Photo Gallery consists of nine photos which, when clicked, spin around and expand to fill the stage. ...
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